Love is NOT Love: God is Love

Definitions matter! Words have mean- ing! But meaningful words can fall into a meaningless pit when we attempt to define that word by itself. Teachers for years have pro- claimed that you should not define a word us- ing that same word. Yet today, there are many who attempt to define a very meaningful word, “love,” in a very meaningless way, “love is love.” A closer look at the worldview of those that are promoting “love is love,” which is of- ten times publicly displayed using a six- colored rainbow, will lead you to a worldview where good is called evil, righteousness is called intolerance, and truth is relative. In short, it leads you to a worldview that is mean- ingless and proclaims all beliefs, all behaviors, and all lifestyles are to be affirmed, validated and even celebrated. The only sin in “love is love” is to not affirm or validate or celebrate all lifestyles and behaviors. “Love is love” seeks to eliminate our Creator God by elimi- nating His goodness, righteousness, and truth. In essence “love is love” seeks to replace, “God is love.” (1 John 4:8)

True meaningful love is rooted in God Himself, because God is love! In the great love chapter of Ephesians 5, notice the two commands in the first two verses: “Therefore be imitators of God as dear (beloved) chil- dren. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma.” Imitating the God of the Bible and walking in love go together. Even how we are to imitate God is “as dear (beloved) children.” When God is removed, true meaningful love ceases! As believers we know the great love of God (Eph. 1:4, 2:4). He has saved us from a life of affirming, validating, and celebrating the lusts of our flesh and of our mind. In sav- ing us from the very wrath of God that these sins demanded, we are now able to imitate God as we walk in love.

The believers walk in love is parallel to Christ’s love for us. Christ’s love for us in Ephesians 5:2 is described as an offering and a sacrifice to God the Father. Christ’s love was marked by obedience to the Father’s will as He offered Himself to God. Therefore, the be- liever’s walk in love is to be marked by the believer willingly giving Himself in obedience to God to do the Father’s will. Love is always in accordance with the holy will and holy char- acter of God. That is why a key conclusion of “the walk in love” is not to partake with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather to ex- pose the empty words and the empty conduct that results in the wrath of God (Ephesians 5:6, 7, 11).
Yes, in this great love chapter, God is not just known as a loving Heavenly Father, but He is also known for His wrath and judg- ment of sin. Sadly today, many churches have used the statement “God is love” in the same way that the world uses the statement “love is love.” It is important for us to not reduce our Creator God to a god of our own imagination. The true God of the Bible is love; the god who is only love is a meaningless god and an idol that allows mankind to continue in his own lusts and his own desires to his own hurt.

The fruit that comes from the be- liever’s surrendering himself to God to do His will, will be in all goodness, righteousness and truth. (Ephesians 5:9) Our Creator God is good, He is right and He is truth. And when God is love, the believer will not rejoice in iniquity, but will rejoice in the truth (1 Cor. 13:6). He will not affirm, validate, or cele- brate all beliefs and behaviors and lifestyles. Rather he will only affirm, validate, and cele- brate what is of God; all goodness, righteous- ness and truth. And as the believer exposes the hurtful lies, beliefs, and behaviors that are so unfruitful, he will actually be walking in love as he introduces the one in darkness to the only One who is Light and true Love (Ephesians 5:14).
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